Monday, November 4, 2013

Yes You Can Consider Eye Lash Growth.

By Wendy Phelps

Some of us are born with them, some of us aren't but many of us could have thicker healthier lashes if we knew how to use natural resources to make the most of what we have.

Whereas men have the ongoing battle with nose hair, hair protruding from ears, moles and over grown eyebrows, it's true that both sexes just never produce long eye lashes.

The time in between the natural process of one hair falling out and being replaced by another we can protect these "structures" by keeping them healthy, plump and strong from their roots to their tips.

Just like your hair - keeping your lashes conditioned shiny and healthy makes them stand out and look not only thicker but longer and more lush. Natural oils like Coconut and Jojoba oils do exactly this by nourishing and moisturizing, plumping out and smoothing lashes. Plant extracts like Aloe vera and burdock root are also very good for building and supporting the structure of your eyelashes.

Other useful herbs and plants for this job are are Rosemary, Lavender and Chamomile.

In the past 20 years or so, specifically in the 60s, women used false eyelashes just to make an impression of longer and thicker lashes

You can make a remedy for eyelashes using a base of 1 Tbsp Aloe Vera juice, 1 Tbsp Jojoba or Coconut oil and 1 tsp Chamomile tea (strong - one tea bag steeped in 1/4 cup of boiling water)

Although the use of false eyelashes and mascara were able to make women happy, they did not stop searching for ways to have natural-looking long and thick lashes

Apply twice a day and remove excess with a cotton bud or cotton ball. If you wear mascara during the day, you can opt to rinse the blend off after morning application and then apply your mascara.

This is a very nourishing recipes for your eyelashes and it will protect them from drying and brittleness.

It has been sold in the market for quite some time to answer the fancy of women for dark, long and thick lashes. Eyelash growth serum was claimed to be the ideal product that induce the growth of lashes naturally.

Several brands of eyelash serum were introduced but dissatisfaction surfaced. Adverse effects were discovered particularly for the prescription eyelash growth serum.

In-spite of the alarming eyelash growth side effects, some women still continue to use it. Another complaint about these eyelash growth products is the length of waiting time before results can be seen.

Certain eyelash accelerators can now help women who want to know how to get longer eyelashes, by applying these non-irritating clinically tested formulas on a daily basis.

Expect to see results within the first 7 to 14 days and you will now have your answer on how to get longer eyelashes, without ever having to use fake alternatives again.

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A Condensed Background Of Mineral Eyeshadow For Cosmetic And Other Use

By Haywood Hunter

Women, and some men, have been using make-up and other cosmetics to define their facial features, especially the eyes, and to improve their appearance for thousands of years. Evidence of this comes from the Bible and from Egyptian burials as far back as 10,000 BC. Mineral eyeshadow is placed on the upper eyelid to provide both depth and color.

The Egyptians, and women today, used a black substance called kohl to enhance their eyes, improve vision, prevent infection and reduce glare. Kohl is made from burnt almonds and minerals such as antimony, copper and malachite, ochre and ash.

Between 800 and 700 years BC, the Greeks had a substance called 'fucus', which they made from lapis luzuli and malachite, crushed and powdered to produce vivid blue and green eye shadows. This and other cosmetics at the time formed a significant part of the Greek economy.

With the expansion of their empire, the Romans were introduced to the Iranians who, like the Egyptians, used kohl to fend off the attentions of the evil eye. They adapted the sacred oils for use in sexual practices. Eventually, they discovered medicinal and spiritual uses for the materials.

Bronze Age India left evidence that kohl was employed by people of all ages, including young infants, to repel not only the evil eye, but bacteria and glare as well. This practice spread to Morocco and all over Africa. The substance they used then was derived from antimony and lead. History does not record how many people went blind or died from the poisonous heavy metals, but today's kohl is completely safe.

Modern mineral eyeshadow is available in every color imaginable to match hair color, outfit and mood. The sky is the limit in the cosmetic universe and there is almost nothing that can't be powdered, pressed and used as makeup. Dry powder may be brushed on the lids, or it may be dampened with water for a more vibrant effect.

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

You Won't Believe Your Eyes If You Follow This Advice

By Bryan Ballejo

Are you creating your own beauty program for the 1st time? You do not even know where to begin. It's common knowledge that making a beauty regime for the first time could be a bit frightening. Below are some pointers that may help to make finding techniques and products that work for you a bit smoother.

If you're light skinned or have light hair you might need to consider staining your eyebrows. This may enhance the color of your eyebrows and will draw attention to your eyes and brows.

To cope with oily or oil-heavy hair, shampoo every alternate day and just rinse with water on the other days. Sometimes folk with oily hair try and combat the difficulty by over using shampoo. This removes to much oil from hair, which makes the sebaceous glands overcompensate to replace it.

When you blend a moisturizer with your foundation, it will apply smoother and will last for longer too. This is going to help your skin to glow and add some SPF too.

To cure facial marks overnight, wash your face well and dab on a little pure tea tree oil before bed. You can use tea tree oil full strength during the day or mix it with aloe vera gel for a light, natural, healing daytime moisturizer that tones and firms your skin.

If you want to improve the quality of your skin and your general appearance, slash caffeine in your diet. Caffeine has been found to make you appear to be older and more tired while additionally giving you the jitters. Limit your ingestion of tea or coffee to a single cup per day. You can reduce the negative effects of these drinks even farther by changing to green tea or decaffeinated coffee.

Look down when you're applying the shade to your lids. Don't pull on your eyelids or apply excess pressure to them. This can be done pristinely if you look down while applying. This will allow you to see your lid clearly while not having to touch them.

To brighten your skin, try making home made face masks. Facial masks can sometimes be made from things you have around your place and will give your skin a sweet, natural glow. Look for mask recipes with ingredients like tomato juice, sandlewood powder, or oatmeal. All of these things are good for your face!

As you've already seen, beauty regimens aren't as scary as they might appear at first glance. Just think about all the benefits they have and all of the fun methods you can pick up along the way, along with all the cash it can help to save you on finding products that work with your body and budget.

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How to Care for Your Eyes

Beautiful eyes are the first thing that one notices in your look. It counts much if you take proper care of them and make it shine with your inner self-confidence. In the cosmetic market, you can find number of eye care kits and eye makeup cosmetics. But as you know that our eyes are the most sensitive part in our body, so rather than going for synthetic beauty cosmetics for eye care, you must try natural beauty treatments for your eyes.

Natural Remedies for Eye Care

1. Keep equal amount of triphala powder and sugar candy (powdered) in a glass jar and take one teaspoonful with one teaspoonful of honey on an empty stomach morning and evening and drink 250 gm of milk over it for 2-3 months. This cures all the diseases of the eyes.

2. To make eyes beautiful, after washing the eyes with triphala water apply olive or almond oil around the eyes and massage gently. It makes eye muscles strong and soft and the skin around the eyes looks healthy.

Home Remedies for Dark Circles Under the Eyes

1. Apply cucumber juice on the black circles with cotton for 2-3 weeks regularly.

2. Mix equal amount of almond oil and honey and apply a few drops on black circles for 2-3 weeks. Both wrinkles and black circles are cured.

3. Dip five almonds in water, peel them and chew nicely in the morning or make a paste and take along with 250 grams of milk daily for 21 days.

4. Do not take oils, spices, tea and other hot products.

5. Take 125 gm of tomato juice and squeeze half a lemon in it. Mash 5-7 leaves of spearmint in it. Add black salt according to taste. Drink this once on the morning and evening to be relieved of constipation, worm infection and acne.

6. Take iron and calcium rich diet as their shortage are one of the dominant factors for black circles under the eyes.

Disclaimer: The reader of this article should exercise all precautionary measures while following instructions on the home remedies from this article. Avoid using any of these products if you are allergic to it. The responsibility lies with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.
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